Electrosoft designed and initiated a comprehensive conformance testing program to evaluate supplier products and services against applicable Federal standards and guidelines.
A Civilian Agency had the mandate to establish a Government-wide evaluation program for supplier products and services. Specifically, the program addressed products and services related to the issuance and management of smartcard-based digital identity credentials to assure compliance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) and related National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines.
Electrosoft designed and implemented a comprehensive conformance testing program that embraced all applicable Federal standards and guidelines. Moreover, Electrosoft operated and maintained that test program for six years. In year 1, we developed the governance structure and operating procedures for the testing program and performed over 900 product evaluations in an agency test laboratory. Using the lessons learned from those evaluations, Electrosoft helped the Civilian Agency evolve the program to engage commercial test laboratories with the goal of rapidly scaling testing activities. As part of the effort, Electrosoft provided Program Management Office (PMO) support, helped accredit commercial test labs, developed and maintained all needed test procedures and technical testing tools, maintained the evaluation program workflow tool and provided outreach and communications support.
In recommending the use of commercial test laboratories versus a Government lab, Electrosoft cut the program’s annual budget by 70 percent. Further, by maintaining strict control over test procedures and test tools, we assured that all the accredited labs performed the tests consistently and accurately. The number of approved products and services grew exponentially during our tenure managing the program, thus making a broad range of tested products and services available for procurement by the Federal community. Ultimately, the entire nation benefited from stronger Federal identity management infrastructures.