Electrosoft supported the successful migration of multiple legacy web applications to the cloud environment for a defense agency, ensuring continuity of critical operations and access to legacy data
As part of a move to enhance service to its constituents while improving its cybersecurity posture, one defense agency has been systematically modernizing its technology ecosystem and moving applications to the cloud. Agency leaders recognized the need to move numerous legacy systems, raising concerns about old technology operating in the new environment – especially because there was limited technical documentation of the systems.
An Electrosoft team of expert software developers and database administrator was responsible for maintaining three legacy systems targeted for migration. During initial award of the sustainment task order, Electrosoft discovered that there was no system documentation available. To remedy this situation, we proactively created documentation that supported all changes to the application software. This included documentation supporting the operations of the applications and compliance to security regulations and guidelines.
Electrosoft actively participated with the migration of these systems to Microsoft Azure, helping to address multiple technical challenges to ensure that the systems would run in the cloud environment. We led numerous collaboration sessions with stakeholder groups to ensure proper migration and transformation of the encrypted data. The sessions led to a successful migration with database integrity of mission-essential data being readily accessible from the cloud. Our team also assisted with the migration from Oracle 12c to 19c. This was a challenging migration because Oracle 19c handles CLOB data differently than Oracle 12c, specifically regarding the encrypted data. The Electrosoft team had experience with encrypted CLOB data, so we were able to provide the necessary scripting to resolve the issue. Finally, migration to the cloud provided consistency across the development environments for the first time in many years allowing much improved Configuration Management. This resulted in the reduction of testing and rework across the Development, Test and Production environments.
Achieving cloud migration for systems whose codebases were initiated more than 15 years ago was one crucial step in the agency’s technology migration effort. By keeping decades of essential information accessible, Electrosoft supported the client in continuing to serve their constituents while preparing for the next steps in their digital transformation. The agency is well-positioned to reconcile the systems by adopting more COTS-based solutions that will improve how the agency delivers on its mission. In the meantime, the Electrosoft team is proud to continue supporting the client. As one agency program manager remarked of the Electrosoft team, “You are true professionals that I can count on to get the mission accomplished. Thank you for making my job easier.”