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Cloud Computing and Its Complexities August 21, 2020

by Stephanie Selmer

As more organizations increase their cloud-based computing and storage resources, they need to be aware of how best to manage information, maintain security and protect data integrity.

Organizations commonly encounter issues related to the ongoing need to monitor, manage and maintain multiple services and data collections. Also, they must learn to quickly master multiple systems and tools to be successful in using cloud-based computing resources.

Organizations must set aside the time to create thoughtful plans to recognize, combat and possibly reduce the complexity of computing environments. It’s essential to understand the Information Technology (IT) needs the organization is trying to meet using cloud-based computing and resources before expending too much time, money or effort in putting cloud computing to work. It’s also critical to establish guidelines to limit or reduce cloud complexity as systems grow and evolve.

When selecting cloud computing technologies, consider implementing cloud configuration management. These tools encompass the formal change management process that tracks the origins of data and services and their utilization. Also, organizations should

  • Create an inventory of cloud computing and traditional IT resources and services.
  • Document the processes for adding and removing a cloud computing resource or service.
  • Design workflows for processes and designate responsible parties.

Managing the complexity of cloud-based computing also includes DevOps automation and consolidated management of hybrid multi-cloud scenarios. Hybrid cloud scenarios involve public and private cloud computing resources and can include on-premise systems and resources. Hybrid multi-cloud scenarios can involve multiple public cloud computing platforms – such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. It’s also important to become familiar with cloud service brokers and cloud management platforms.

By taking these actions, your organization can wisely use cloud computing technologies for continued success.

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