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How secure is your Personal Health Information? February 22, 2013

Have you ever thought about the accuracy of your health records? How secure do you think they are as they are used by and exchanged between various health providers? At Electrosoft, we are currently working with the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) to provide interoperable…

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NIST Releases Updated Electronic Authentication Guideline for Public Comment February 13, 2013

An updated version of the Electronic Authentication Guideline was released by NIST last Tuesday (2/5/13) – go to to view the…

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Electrosoft Launches FedRAMP Practice for Cloud Security December 07, 2012

The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a government-wide program that was established to help streamline security assessments for Cloud Service Providers (CSP).  FedRAMP strives to accelerate the adoption of secure cloud solutions by increasing confidence in the…

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NIST Releases Test Framework for Upgrading Smart Electrical Meters July 12, 2012

On July 10, 2012, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published its draft guidelines to provide a testing framework for securely and remotely upgrading smart electrical meter firmware.  Electrosoft developed Draft NISTIR 7823 under contract to NIST in support of the…

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The Integrated Electronic Health Record (iEHR) Initiative July 09, 2012

Electrosoft is actively participating in the Integrated Electronic Health Record (iEHR) initiative between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the US Department of Defense (DoD). The iEHR initiative represents a monumental opportunity for partnership and collaboration between the DoD and…

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NIST Helps Cut Vendor Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt about Cloud Computing June 28, 2012

The National Institute of Standards (NIST) has developed guidelines for cloud computing and cloud security based upon extensive research for a reference architecture which includes taxonomies that define roles, services and service deployment models. Their approach has been to invite…

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